T.L.C. (Tender Loving Chili)

I don’t know about other states, but in Minnesota there gets to be a sort of mania when the temps start to dip below 50 degrees. And not like an-in-a-panic mania, but like wide-eyed-exhilarated-rants-about-all-things-fall-and-how-it’s-the-best month mania.

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And I get it – my birthday is in the fall, so obviously there are some good things happening as the leaves are changing and we’re all showing off our cute scarf and sweater collections. But maybe it’s also that we have to throw ourselves into this state of gleeful autumnness because we know winter is coming, which is less about showing off cute clothing choices and making sure not an inch of skin is exposed to the air as you scrape off your car.

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Good news: there are some foods that just *taste* better in certain seasons, and once the degrees start to cool, these dishes start getting top billing and we are all the better for it. It’s already chilly in my apartment, and because I am cheap and refuse to turn up the heat until it’s below freezing, I am opting to bundle in blankets, fluffy socks, and hold a warm bowl in my hands. What’s in the bowl? One of my fave fall/winter go-tos: Chili.

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  • Can of chili
  • Parsley for garnish (optional, but classy)

1) Remember eating amazing homemade chili with your in-laws last winter and deciding that would hit the spot

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2) Also remember that you don’t have time or energy to figure all that out, and decide that good ol’ Amy usually has your best interests at heart in times like these

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3) Open can

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4) Pour chili into pot and heat until it seems like it’s ready

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5) Pour out of pot into bowl

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6) Realize you don’t have sour cream but you have cream cheese

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7) Decide not to possibly ruin everything at the last minute and just enjoy as is

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13 thoughts on “T.L.C. (Tender Loving Chili)

  1. I’m going to get some chili from the hospital cafeteria right now. Thought you were moving to a warmer climate?

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    • Westward-bound soon, but able to get all geeked out about turtlenecks and soups first, luckily. I currently work on a hospital campus, and the cafeteria food is actually quite delish – hope your hospital chili treated you well!

  2. That looks like a much better brand of canned chili than the brands our local grocer carries. Ours are so bland that I have to add three or four more ingredients to achieve any kind of real meal experience.

    On the other hand, I’ve never tried adding parsley as garnish to chili. Maybe that’s the secret to reaching true chili-flavor country!

    • Parsley is totally like a secret ninja ingredient – instantly deepening any flavor profile. The Amy’s chili is pretty great, although I’m always a fan of throwing more things up in there when I have time. Wish I would have had sour cream and/or cornbread on hand to sweeten the deal, though, to really unlock true chili achievement.

    • Ha – I’ve been roasting veggies all summer, mostly on the hottest days for some reason. Which made our apartment like an insta-oven, but totally worth it. Hope your chili experience was excellent!

  3. I used to LOVE chili until my gastroenterologist knocked it off my menu five years ago. Even if garnished with a Rolaid the size of a hockey puck, it’s not the wisest choice for someone with fragile innards. Boo hoo.

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